Happy Summer!

Happy Summer!

Welcome to our second newsletter!

To the left is a picture of Harolds pond, you can find it just off the lane between the orchard and woodlands.

It's such a magical place, especially in early summer, when dragonflies fill the air and fish swim in lazy circles between the reeds.

This week we are going to celebrate our musical friend Harold.

Yesterday, I took a walk to Harold's pond and was reminded of the evening last year when I found him sitting out on a lily pad, practicing new songs. We had a lovely visit, he is so much fun, and I had the opportunity to listen to his beautiful voice while I sketched a quick picture of him in my notebook.

This year he's back in Paris with the Circus of The Crescent Moon (where he is receiving rave reviews) so I didn't expect to find any trace of him.

Then there, by the edge of the pond, was his little stein filled with ginger beer and a lovely little crust topped with a dot of jam. A passing robin told me that his old friend Archie (a newt) is housesitting so perhaps it was Archie who had set up a little picnic for himself before slipping into the water for a quick swim. I waited for a while hoping he might re surface but there was no sign of him so I left and began my journey back to the house.

On my way I passed Harolds home and paused to take a picture, it looks like Archie is taking good care of it. I think he might even have repainted the green door, it looks so fresh.

I hear that the Circus will be back this winter for the holidays, I hope they come and stay at Rookscroft with us, keep your fingers crossed, we will have such magical times to share!

Welcome back and thank you for all your lovely comments, it seems that my last post was a hit!

I have had a lovely two weeks here at the house with Robin. We have moved from the library to the patio at the front of the house where Jayne has been kind enough to set up a nice little sitting area for us with some fresh flowers and our favorite books. She keeps us well hydrated with tea and even throws in the occasional slice of cake (we had a lovely slice of madeira last Tuesday...If you would like the recipe don't be shy to ask, I'm sure she will be flattered).

Vernon (who can be seen here cutting a fine figure in the grass) kindly came over and dropped off a very sparkly hat he has donated for prize drawings. I believe he originally made it for Katenka for the stage but it is a little ostentatious for her current life and she was happy to pass it on.

Here is a closeup of Vernons fine workmanship, I am sure you will agree it is very impressive indeed! He gets requests from all over, I hear he is even making some chapeau's for the Circus folk over the pond...Next thing you know he will be in Vogue, and you will never hear the end of it.

Well, that's all for this week, I will keep a beady eye out for juicy tidbits to share.

Until next time take care and keep your beak up!


I hope you enjoyed this newsletter, It's getting late and Quentin and Robin are in the kitchen eating the last of the raspberries and I'm off to join them.

If you're visiting Friday Harbor please drop by at the store, we would love to see you.

Which characters or places would you like me to include in coming newsletters? If you let me know I can do a little digging and see what I can find to share.

Until next time take care and enjoy the summer


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